Does Castration Help With Offending Again

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Chemical Castration for Sex Offenders

A recent thread got me thinking about an argument I used to have with a friend.

Should sexual offenders be forced to go through chemical castration? Please understand what chemical castration is before answering. It is not the same every bit castration like yous would practice to an creature. It is non permanent. It is a regular shot a male person must receive (information technology's really the depo-provera shot) to reduce testosterone, libido and sex drive. Scientists believe that reducing the testosterone may reduce aggressiveness. Hither are $.25 from an article on information technology to think about. Should we exist forcing all sex activity offenders to have treatments? Only child molesters? Do you lot actually think information technology would work? My thoughts in the side by side postal service.

"Chemical castration is a term used to depict handling with a drug called Depo-Provera that, when given to men, acts on the brain to inhibit hormones that stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone" (2). Depo-Provera is a mutual birth control pill that containing a synthetic version of the female hormone progesterone. Advocates of chemical castration hope that injections of Depo-Provera will prevent men from molesting children."

"Regardless, Depo-Provera has been proven to inhibit the abilities of pedophilias to assail children. The progesterone in Depo-Provera counteracts the biological tendencies that lead men to rape children (4). By lowering testosterone, Depo-Provera reduces sexual practice drive (vi). Males tin have sexual intercourse (7) simply practice not want to. Depo-Provera also decreases ambitious tendencies by reducing testosterone. "[T]he castrated criminal would exist more docile and have a improve opportunity to exist rehabilitated, educated, and to become a worthwhile citizen" (one). Castration removes the biological and chemical tendencies that are intrinsically linked to the desire to rape in males.

Depo-Provera as well reduces recidivism rates. When used equally a mandatory condition of parole (half-dozen), chemic castration decreases the occurrence of repeat offenses from 75% (half dozen) to 2% (i). Prison house is less desirable considering information technology serves no rehabilitative purpose for sexual offenders. Pedophiles who spend time festering in a prison jail cell are given extensive reanimation to concoct new sordid sexual fantasies involving children. These horrific visions are translated into terrifying realities in one case the criminal comes back into contact with children following his inevitable release from prison (ane). Prison simply produces sneakier criminals. Pedophiles do not want to be incarcerated again so they think of new means to rape children that volition avoid detection and hereafter detention (6). Prison increases aggressive tendencies in male pedophiles while chemical castration addresses the root causes of sexual assault and decreases further sexual deviance.

Although chemic castration is not the perfect solution to inhibit child molestation, it discourages sexual assault better than incarceration. Injections of Depo-Provera decrease the aggressive tendencies that pb to rape in males. Castration also discourages sexual fantasies and eradicates sexual obsessions. Pedophiles are reduced to apathetic pacifists. Regulated chemical castration should be encouraged every bit an alternative to prison for male person kid molesters in order to stop recidivism and subtract instances of sexual assault"

Notwithstanding, some experts argue that Depo-Provera is ineffective and volition not prevent molestation. Forced castration may take the adverse touch on of angering a criminal, increasing his violent tendencies and lead to additional sexual abuse (2). Additionally, Depo-Provera is reversible. Therefore, unless injections are mandatory and monitored, pedophiles will not be "cured" by the drug therapy. The child molester will have renewed sexual fantasies and high levels of testosterone if the injections are discontinued (7). Joseph Frank Smith, a bedevilled child molester, became an advocate for chemical castration after undergoing the therapy in the 1980s. Smith stopped using the injections in 1989. In 1999, he was convicted for molesting a v-year onetime girl and immediately returned to prison (3). Depo-Provera too has caused side effects in some men "including low, fatigue, diabetes, [and] claret clots" (ii). Chemical castration may cause some detrimental effects in kid molesters.

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